Medical Assistant Career - Opening Doors To A Profession In Healthcare Services
Medical Assistants
Medical Assistant Career - Opening doors to a profession in healthcare services.
Medical Assistant careers are gathering demand in the background of a healthcare industry boom worldwide.
A Medical Assistant essentially is just a healthcare professional with multiple responsibilities and skill sets required to execute the same. Both administrative and medical tasks that do not need much medical proficiency belong to the ambit of a Medical assistance.

Medical Assistants are indispensable in virtually any current day healthcare practice. Engaged under physicians, podiatrists, chiropractors, and other health practitioners. Medical Assistants attend to the complexities involved with delivering medical services.
By accomplishing administrative and other responsibilities, Medical Assistants ensure it is easier for the practitioners to concentrate on attending to and treating patients.
Medical Assistants execute varied administrative, laboratory and clinical tasks in numerous medical care institutions.
Often, Medical Assistants are viewed as generalists who are a part of many areas of the medical profession but don't specialize in them.
Reveal overview of the activities of a Medical Assistant is given here:
Administrative duties:
General administration which include day-to-day activities and other tasks. These include:
Communication - both internal and external and office correspondence.
Patient welfare - maintenance of patient records, insurance forms, scheduling appointments, arranging for hospital admission.
Billing and bookkeeping.
Maintain medical and drug supplies.
Clinical duties:
Clinical duties require discreet manual dexterity and visual acuity. A Medical Assistant has to guide the medical practitioner with these:
Recording vital signs.
Preparing patients for examination, explaining treatment procedures to patients.
Assisting the physician through the examination.
Instructing patients about medications and special diets.
Preparation and administration of medications.
Laboratory tasks:
Laboratory tasks include:
Collection and preparation of laboratory specimens.
Performing basic laboratory tests on the premises.
Draw blood, prepare patients for X-rays, take electrocardiograms, remove sutures and change dressings.
Disposal of contaminated supplies and sterilization of medical instruments.
Medical Assistants employed at small medical outfits may undertake both administrative and clinical duties and report straight to any office manager or health practitioner.
Larger medical outfits have Medical Assistants reporting to department administrators and specializing only in a specific area.
Medical Assistant - Essential qualities and skills:
Duties entailed in medical assisting vary with the type of medical care facility, size, location and specialisation.